Under the Moonlight

A social club RP venue in Final Fantasy XIV.Open 11pm-3am Eastern on Fridays and Saturdays.Located on Aether - Midgardsormr - Goblet - W24 - P30


During Business Hours:
Fully stocked bar
SFW and NSFW RP services
Monthly in-house RP Prompts
Frequent RP-based in-house events

Extraneous Services:

Business Model

A statement from Yilk'a:I do not run Under the Moonlight in order to make money. In fact, it is funded entirely off the FC Workshop. At the time of writing this, we have a stable bank for nightly pay, furniture, and extraneous event expenses. Anything additional is given back to the staff in the form of periodic bonuses.My staff do not pay any sort of house cut for NSFW services and they set their own rates. We do it that way to keep the focus on the RP and allow for their comfort levels. Even the best writers can have days where they aren't feeling confident and don't feel they can charge, so roping them into a set rate can put a lot of pressure on them.We let it flow with the mood and trust our employees to know what's best for themselves. I encourage them to charge because I genuinely believe that what they do is a skill and they should be paid for it. Sometimes, they disagree and do it for free, but I never hold it against them when they do ask for payment from people. Please tip them well. They're all very good beans.In the interest of management and staff transparency, we also allow all staff members access to our venue financial documentation. It's there whenever they care to look, and it's updated weekly with our numbers and how we did over the last weekend. Every gil is accounted for to the best of my ability.Granted, at this point in the venue's lifecycle, it's self-sufficient by way of the Workshop, but it's still there if anyone wants to see. We don't even keep gil from bar sales at this point - all of it goes into the bartender's pocket. The door fee for our Hardcore RP Prompts is kept by the greeter.The only thing the venue does keep are the bar buyouts. Which, again, get turned around and funneled into employee pay and bonuses. Because it's seen as more of a 'support the venue' thing rather than a necessity to keep going.Why do we do all this? Why even make this statement to everyone? Well, for me personally, I hope it impresses upon you how much we're doing this for the love of the RP. We're here for you, the patron, to give you a positive and engaging RP experience simply because we love to do it. Not for profit.Thank you for reading.

Mission Statement

To the public:
Under the Moonlight strives to provide a quality and engaging RP atmosphere for our patrons. Whether you're an RP veteran or just starting out, we hope to give you a welcoming and inclusive experience that will bring you back for more. To make our home accessible to as many people as possible, Under the Moonlight never charges for SFW interactions in the public space. Furthermore, all public interactions are limited to a PG13 content nature for everyone's comfort.
To the staff:
The Under the Moonlight management prides itself on employee engagement, transparency, open communication, and as much employee choice as possible. We try our hardest to accommodate all walks of life, knowledge bases, and experience levels amongst our staff. Open and welcoming is the name of the game, to say the least.

Deep Lore

The many interesting factoids and weird inside jokes at Under the Moonlight.
Usually the result of employee chaos.

Fun fact:
Under the Moonlight has been around for several years and has changed hands multiple times. It started as a SFW speakeasy, and evolved to what it is today.
The current owner and management has been in charge since January 1st of 2021.

The Cum Closet:
The employee break area. Originally made as a joke when we realized that the in-game pudding rugs look like cum when dyed white, it's become a staple feature of all employee area builds since. Where the cum flows from, we have no idea, but we do know it sounds really gross when you walk on it.

A Busy Bee
Francis Drake is our most veteran employee, having been hired even before Yilk'a, the current owner, was.
He has a penchant for bees. In jars, in cans, in boxes, in all sorts of containers. The versatile insects serve as snacks, friends, and a weapon for him to unleash on whomever he wants.

Fun Fact:
Employees are forever immortalized in an in-Discord staff section of employee quotes whenever they miss-send a message. NSFW or not. Or, you know, they say something funny or weird. But mostly MTs.
How else will we remember precious moments such as:

The Mysterious Stain in Room 2:
Rumored to have appeared prior to Under the Moonlight becoming a brothel, no one actually remembers how it got there. The house janitor has tried all manner of ways to remove it with no success. Reports from him and a few others state that it occasionally makes noises, and it never fades.

Harmless Fun - Portraiture:
A staple in house design, googly eyes on portraits are a requirement for some harmless fun. It's like Pokémon! Gotta deface them all!

The Walnut Queen
Esha'ntarl, a manager for Under the Moonlight, is currently the reigning queen of walnuts. After trying her best to sell bags of them at one of the venue's events, and then beaning Yilk'a in the junk with them, they sort of became her thing.
Her current hoard is 11,000 walnuts strong, and she claims she only needs them for her walnut lattes at the bar. No one believes her.

After Services Rendered
Blondine Hayward is the house's head maid. She is primarily in charge of coordinating the other behind-the-scenes staff that clean up after 'business' is conducted. Whether that is after the doors close for the evening, or close temporarily with a client, it doesn't matter.
Blondine's specialty is handling the house equipment. Cleaning all the toys, implements, objects, and other random sexual things that are played with is something she enjoys and takes a lot of pride in.
Keeping people safe is a priority.
But that also means she knows what you do and judges you for it. Respectfully.

An employee was stalked by another player, over the course of multiple days, in order to get the employee to sell their Winter Sweaters for a price the rando deemed more correct. Instead of playing the market board game like everyone else, of course.
They went about it in literally the worst way possible, giving vague threats of ‘I will do what I must,’ and coming to find the employee in their UtM FC private chambers on several occasions to harass them.When the rest of the staff heard about it, all hands were on deck. Multiple people crafted hundreds of sweaters and flooded the market with them at the price the employee wanted to sell them at.In an effort to stop them, the harasser bought about a dozen or so to try and resell for their higher price, but the deluge of corded knits and warm stitches was then unleashed. Prior to that, though, all other sweaters that weren’t made by the harasser were purchased so no one else missed a sale.Moral of the Story: If you want to RP a mafia boss and IRL bully people, don’t get upset when the family bites back.((Thank you, Joyful Journey, for the #SweaterGate moniker))

The Building

Under the Moonlight's physical building layout changes frequently in the main public space. So much so that it's difficult to discern a specific floorplan for it. However, the behind-the-scenes areas and private chambers remain the same.But if you're curious of the rest of the building's functionality, it's very similar to a hotel. If clients happen to need to spend the night, the back end staff are on hand to make sure they have what they need to be comfortable.Each floor is equipped with at least one full bathroom in case the private quarters being used do not provide them. There are also intercoms built into panels in every room's door frame in order to call for staff if additional bedding, towels, robes, meals, supplies, or whatever else is needed.

In-House Artists

We have several more artists on staff, however, not everyone takes commissions. Or, they haven't made a formal form with their information yet. Please find them in our Discord with the @artist role and contact them directly for inquiry.

Our Decorator